From the Weld Life To E Commerce
Life takes us on so many journeys.
To think back on my life to this point and all the crazy shit that has got me here is really an amazing feeling. I would like to give people out there who visit my Store just a glimpse into the person I am and how Poncho and Lefty's became a reality. Everything I have created in this store has some sort of meaning to me. From my Drinking Shoes line, to Welders Never Die, these designs have been thought up by real life experiences.
Back in the day
I was a welder for many years, Before that I was a Bartender for many years. As long as I can remember I was an artist. Not a professional, but the art has always been in my blood. My mother has a deep artistic background and my father was a very talented artist as well. My dad would draw amazing monsters on my brown paper lunch bags every day for school when I was a kid. Throughout school I was always involved in artistic endeavors. I designed the class money in 5th grade maybe? I won various artistic awards through out my childhood. I designed the shirt for our local Fiesta in High School. With all of the art I should have followed a path to pursue my love for art, but instead I ended up in the Army and from there it has shaped me into who I am now.
The store is just a baby at this moment.
It is just taking shape and will continue to grow. My plans are big, to keep feeding it so it can grow and grow. I will soon be introducing original art for sale. I will offer handmade goods such as leather hand bags, wallets, belts and more. I wanted this store to be somewhere I can showcase all of my interests and offer original items that you can't find anywhere else. I hope you like what you see and I hope you keep coming back. This is the beginning of another exciting journey for me. I'm hopeful, anxious and optimistic about the future.